What Should I Expect in My Texas DWI Case?

If the police arrest you for a DWI in Corpus Christi, TX, you may not be sure what to expect. This is not surprising. Many people accused of DWIs have never before been in trouble with the law. Naturally, they aren’t quite certain what to expect from the criminal justice system. That’s where a Texas DWI attorney comes in. We explain the charges and make clients aware of the punishments they face and the defenses we can use. We bring a lot of experience to the table as we guide them through the system. If you’re wondering what happens in a Texas DWI case, keep reading.

What You Need to Know About Texas DWIs According to a Corpus Christi DWI Lawyer

Getting a DWI is easier than you may think. Anyone driving in Texas can be charged with a DWI if their blood alcohol content is 0.08 percent or more. Many people can reach this limit after a drink or two. Meanwhile, it is illegal for commercial drivers to have a BAC of 0.04 percent or more. Drivers under the age of 21 can receive a DWI charge if any amount of alcohol is detected in their systems. This is because they are not supposed to be drinking at all.

Your case probably started when a law enforcement officer pulled you over. If they suspected you were drinking, they probably administered a field sobriety test. Maybe you had to stand on one leg, or the officers tested for horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN) and pupil dilation. If in their estimation you didn’t perform well, the next step would be a breathalyzer, blood or urine test. Once your BAC was shown to be above a legal limit, you would be arrested.

You should be given an opportunity to call your DWI lawyer before you appear in front of a judge. Your arraignment is likely to be your first court appearance and the judge will read the charges against you. If you don’t have a private attorney, you will be given a chance to ask for a public defender. It is at this point that you will have an opportunity to enter a plea. In some states, you can bargain for a lesser charge even when your BAC is above 0.08%. That’s not the case in Texas.  However, you can get bail on a DWI charge.

You should note that even before the court convicts you, the state will revoke your driver’s license. The revocation can last for between 90 days and two years. Fortunately, you can request a hearing before the Texas Department of Public Safety within 15 days of receiving the revocation notice. You may be able to get a limited license which allows you to drive to places like school or work. To ensure that you don’t make your situation any worse, you should let an attorney represent you at your hearings.

Ways Your DWI Case May be Resolved with Help from a DWI Attorney in Corpus Christi

Like other criminal cases, DWI cases usually end in dismissal, trial or a plea deal of some sort. Naturally, you will want to know exactly how your case will go as soon as possible. However, your DWI attorney will have to properly investigate your case before coming up with a strategy. They will review the police reports, video footage, test results, and medical records if applicable. A full investigation is key to a successful defense so it may take weeks or even months.

In some cases, your lawyer may be able to get your case dismissed. Maybe the police officer wasn’t justified in making a traffic stop or they didn’t have enough evidence to arrest you. An experienced attorney will review look for any loopholes in the state’s case against you. If they can’t get an outright dismissal, they may get the charges reduced or the penalties lessened.

Contact A Texas DWI Attorney at Eddington & Worley Criminal Lawyers

If you are facing DWI charges in Texas and you need representation, contact a Texas DWI attorney at Eddington & Worley. DWI cases can be difficult to deal with. If you’ve never been in the court system before, you may be scared and confused. However, we can guide you through the entire process. We’ll bring some clarity to the situation along with an objective opinion on your situation. We will also do everything we can to get you the best possible outcome. All you need to do is contact us today and schedule your first consultation.

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